You know there are things you want to do with your life. You’ve dreamed of them; you’ve planned for them.
Some of them have happened; some you’ve let slip away.

Well, It's Time To Chase Those Dreams Again!

Now is your chance – let’s sit down and make a plan, a road map that you can follow to create the lifestyle you really want!

Are You Looking To Travel Or Move Somewhere New?

Get your own personalized travel plan, focused on whatever it is you want to see and do.

Do You Want To Downsize Or Change Your Situation?

Have the blueprint in hand to change your current lifestyle into your dream lifestyle.

Are There Others You Need To Consider In Your Plans?

Get a guide to include the significant people in your life when you're making your plans.

Do All The Expenses In Your Life Have You Worried?

Have a plan to generate funds whenever you need them, from wherever you happen to be.

Book cover with photo of sailboat and man in rocking chair

The Rocking Your Retirement Blueprint is a process that takes you from wondering where your life is heading to knowing what’s coming up next.

With your final blueprint, you can:

In all cases, it’s a complete blueprint that will set you on track for Rocking Your Retirement!

Why Do You Need Rocking Your Retirement?

Get Your Plans Onto A List

You just can’t seem to stay focused long enough to make anything happen the way you want it to.

There’s a plan in the back of your mind, but you can’t drag it out where you can make it reality.

You've collected so much STUFF in your life and you don't know what to do with it all...

Being retired should be fun and carefree, right?!

Then what’s with all the stress?

Looking at the clutter day after day is eating away at you.

You just want some peace and serenity, but you don’t know how to get it!.

Your family situation is changing and you're not sure how to accommodate everyone (or even if you have to!)

Maybe you’re alone, or you’ve got a new partner.

Maybe you’ve got grown children and grandkids now, or a parent that you’re caring for.

Or maybe you’re suddenly an empty nester! All of these can be overwhelming and leave you feeling like you’re free-falling into an abyss.

You're not working anymore, so you're worried about whether you'll be able to keep living the way you want.

Maybe you’ve set aside money for retirement… maybe not.

Sure you’ll get Social Security or Old Age benefits at some point, but will that be enough to live on?

Losing an income is a scary reality. Do you have to (GASP) have a budget now?

Dealing with the changes that can happen as you head into retirement can be overwhelming.

You might not even realize that you’re getting stressed until all of a sudden life just seems like too much to handle.

Having your own “User’s Manual” beside you when that happens is a life saver!

Rocking Your Retirement is designed specifically for YOU. There’s no cookie-cutter approach where you’re left feeling like someone just plugged your name into a random answer generator and it spit out your future.

The ideas and plans that are laid out for you are exactly what you’ve envisioned for your life, but now they’re more concrete, and you can pull out the report to help you focus whenever you feel like life is getting away from you.

What Do You Get with your Blueprint?

What Do You Get with your Blueprint?

A Written Plan For The Next Phase of Your Life - value $2997

Nobody knows how much time we have left... but we all know there are things we want to do, right? What's better than taking the time to figure out what you want to do and making sure all the ideas are at the front of your mind? It doesn't mean you'll do them all... just that your Blueprint will have a step-by-step plan for you to follow whenever you feel the urge!

A Video Recording of the 2-Hour Planning Session - value $597

You've probably listened to it on constant replay in your head over the years. But have you ever really listened to the sound of your own voice out loud, describing your hopes and your dreams? There's true magic in hearing the words aloud in your own voice. Suddenly the dreams are all real! Being able to replay your conversation at will is powerful; it allows you to be in charge of when the dreams are announced.

A Coach Who's Listening to What You Say - value PRICELESS - let's say $997

Oftentimes, you can find yourself in situations where the people who're supposed to be helping you think they know what you want better than you do. How can that be? It's your life, after all. You're the one who knows what hopes you have, what plans have been pushed aside, what dreams you're still holding on to.

Total Value = $4,591+

This ONE-OF-A-KIND blueprint for the next stage of your life

is only $499!


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